
                               23 things I did before turning 23     1)              Moved to a new city to study. After my high School got over, I decided to do my graduation from a different city and trust me, it was probably one of the best decisions I took for myself.   2)              Got selected in College’s badminton team. I was actually very surprised at this. I didn’t actually realise that I was so good at playing Badminton until I got selected in the College team.   3)              Got my first degree. I was so delighted and happy to get my first degree though I couldn’t make it to the convocation but yeah it was really a big moment for me.   4)              Visited 8 Indian states and 2 UT’s with ‘la familia’. Since my parents love to travel therefore, we have been going to visit new states from time to time in our summer break when I was a kid. Some states include – Goa, Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, U.P., Uttarakhand, Panjab etc.   5)           

My daily Observation

From morning to evening, from day to night we see and observe so many things and activities happening around us. From days i have been observing a particular activity. So, while  going for my morning classes  in college, i see school students learn Basketball and Tennis. One day the weather was pleasent so i stopped in my way and observed them playing for sometime. I noticed that there were only 8-9 students of a class of age group 7-8 years. The students were in their school uniform only. They were following all the instructions that their teacher was giving them. They were very enthusiastic and energetic. They were trying to learn dribbling in basketball. They stand in a line and  and start to dribble backwards with their legs wide apart. Their teacher was guiding them at every step. The girls were more in number. Few students of higher classes were also sitting nearby. The students play for almost forty minutes. They get water breaks also. Some students were little slow while others

Science Education

                                   Nature is something that we see, deal  with, admire and observe every single day of our lives. God has made this beautiful world so that we can admire it and understand it deeply. For this understanding Science subject comes into play.  Science is defined as the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained: "the world of science and technology'. Science helps us to look at life from a different perspective. It enables us to question things and try to find answers for it. It strengthens our cognitive ability and sharpens memory. In a way it brings us closer to nature and embrace it more. Today, human beings are achieving new heights, developing day by day, all this because of Science. It has made things easier for us and has changed our lifestyle completely.  Science is a subject which gets introduced in Schools

My Experience in B.Ed till now

                                                MY EXPERIENCE IN B.Ed COURSE TILL NOW                                                                    “The only source of knowledge is experience”.                                                                                                                                                                                                             -Albert Einstein July 2022 was the month that I enrolled in   for the B.Ed course, and joined the GD Goenka University on Sept 10’2022 .Joining a new University and that too coming to a whole new city was a new experience for me. Frankly speaking, I did not had much expectations from the University since it was a Private University and you know how Private Universities are ! But guess what, it later changed my perspective altogether. Firstly,   I am pursuing a professional degree course which require certain knowledge and demands some professional skills. When I went on the

My love for Armed Forces

  Hi, there :) This is my first attempt at writing a   blog so I hope you enjoy reading it. Since  my childhood, I’ve always been a military fanatic. I have enjoyed watching, seeing, hearing everything about military and specifically about Indian Army. My late great grandfather, my   grandfathers, my uncles and aunts are all into forces so this is the reason for my immense love that I hold for the military. In order to follow the family’s legacy  I always wanted to join the forces. But unfortunately the destiny had its own plans. I was and always will be a military lover. And to keep it alive always in my heart I keep watching military movies, reading army stories and listening to podcasts of serving or retired army personnels. If you are an aspirant or a military fanatic like me then here are my most personal favourite stuff that you can check out and definitely enjoy. MOVIES :   There are a bunch of movies which I love watching again and again. First is, the OG ‘Lakshay’, secon