My daily Observation

From morning to evening, from day to night we see and observe so many things and activities happening around us. From days i have been observing a particular activity. So, while  going for my morning classes  in college, i see school students learn Basketball and Tennis. One day the weather was pleasent so i stopped in my way and observed them playing for sometime. I noticed that there were only 8-9 students of a class of age group 7-8 years. The students were in their school uniform only. They were following all the instructions that their teacher was giving them. They were very enthusiastic and energetic. They were trying to learn dribbling in basketball. They stand in a line and  and start to dribble backwards with their legs wide apart. Their teacher was guiding them at every step. The girls were more in number. Few students of higher classes were also sitting nearby. The students play for almost forty minutes. They get water breaks also. Some students were little slow while others were fast at learning. Everyday those students have their games period in morning and everyday i observe them playing. It's very fulfilling to see small kids being so energetic in morning, starting their day by doing some physical activity. Similarly few students of other class learn to play Tennis. Students learn to hold the racket, the right way and hitting the ball. One day i saw their teacher being quite strict as the students were struggling to smash the tennis ball. The students before going to the  Courts perform warm up session also. They do little stretching, running and exercise to avoid any injury. All this i have been observing  since a very long time and it is definately a delight  everytime to see students in the ground happy,cheerful and full of energy. In a way , it makes your day.     



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